
Showing posts from July, 2022

How Long Does It Take To Become A Front-end Web Developer?

Well starting to learn web development is nice. You are adding valuable skills for yourself. But, how long does it take to become a front-end developer ? How Long Does It Take To Become a Front-end Web Developer? It depends upon your practice, effort, learning ability, and memory. If I give you a rough idea, it will take you 90 days (10 days HTML, 20 days CSS, 30 days JavaScript, 30 days Bootstrap, and creating projects) if you give time and effort to learning. For some genius beginner developers(maybe you), it might take just 60 days or even 30 days. If I share my personal experience, then it took me two months to complete my HTML, CSS, and JS courses. I used to give 2-3 hours a day to learn HTML, CSS, and JS. It took me 4 days(8+ hours learning time) to learn HTML, 6 days(12+ hours learning time) to learn CSS, and 20 days(50+ hours learning time) to learn JS. And yes I definitely took a break in between which took me 2 months to complete HTML, CSS, and JavaScript courses. Otherwise,...

How To Earn Money With Only HTML and CSS Knowledge?

If you want to make money even if you know only HTML and CSS and still learning Web development then you can do one or all of these three works to make money while still learning Web Development. Start a YouTube Channel To Make Money You can start creating programming videos on YouTube. You can make tutorials, tips, and tricks to create some projects, and small websites using only HTML and CSS on YouTube. If you get a good amount of views on your YouTube channel then you can easily make $500-$1,000 or even more monthly even in your Web Development learning phase.   Start Blogging To Make Money If you find creating videos hard, then one thing you can do is start blogging. Buy a domain name, use WordPress, or simply use free resources like Blogger to create a blogging website and start posting your HTML and CSS tutorial, knowledge, tips, and tricks. If you want to know how to start blogging then you can go and search on YouTube about it. Same like YouTube if you get traff...

Why HTML Is Not A Programming Language?

Many of us have seen HTML-related memes and information on the internet like learning HTML doesn't make you a programmer, HTML is not a programming language, etc. Are these allegations on HTML true? Let's find out. Why HTML is Not A Programming Language? Yes, HTML is not a programming language. It's a markup language that is used to structure the website. Yes, it's a language but not a programming language. Here are four reasons that don't make HTML a programming language: No Programming Logic in HTML If you know about programming logic then you can understand it and if you don't then try to understand common logic between us. In the same way, a computer program works under logic and since HTML doesn't do any logical task, we can't call it a programming language. It only structures the website. To make the website logical we use a programming language called JavaScript. No Data Modifying, Functions, and Variables in HTML Programming languages have functi...

5 Ways To Center a DIV Using CSS

Here are five different ways to center a DIV using CSS. First of all, let's create a div in the document. <body>    <div></div> </body> Then, lets make this div visible by adding width: 200px; height: 100px; and background-color: black;. div{ width: 200px; height: 100px; background-color: black; } Now its time to center this div using these five ways: GRID FLEXBOX POSITION FLEX and MARGIN GRID and MARGIN Use GRID To Center a DIV In the parent element add display: flex; place-content: center; and height: 100vh; properties. Now your div is perfectly in the center using GRID property. //parent element body{ display: flex; place-content: center; height: 100vh; } Use FLEXBOX To Center a DIV In the parent element, add display: flex; justify-content: center; and  align-items: center;  and height: 100vh; properties. Now the DIV is again in the center. //parent element body{ display: flex;  justify-content: center; align-items: c...

Why Should You Create Programming Notebooks?

Many people say writing, creating, and preparing notebooks is old fashion. We are digital now, we can store our text, document, and other files digitally, creating notebooks digitally as well. But, is there any use or pros to creating notebooks, especially for programmers/hackers whose whole career depends on digital mediums. What are the Advantages of Creating Programming Notebooks? There are several advantages of creating programming notebooks. They are: Record of your Programming Learning Journey You can keep a record of your programming learning journey. You can analyze how long did it take to learn this programming language, how long it took you to learn this part of programming,  etc. You Can Review What You Have Learned So Far in Programming You will have written notebook proof of what you have learned so far. You can check and review it and analyze what you have learned and what you have missed learning in programming. You Can Sell Your Notebooks to New Beginner Programmers...

How To Create A Trapezium Using HTML and CSS?

STEP 1: Add <div class="trapezium"></div> in your HTML document in the <body> section. STEP 2: Add this CSS code. .trapezium{ border-width: 100px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent black transparent; width: 200px;  }   Output The border-width: 100px; property gives width to the border, border-s tyle: solid; makes the border surface area solid, and border-color: transparent transparent black transparent; make the top, left, right side border transparent and keep the bottom border black which creates a triangle. Then, the width: 200px; property extends it to make a trapezium or trapezoid.

How To Create A Parallelogram Using HTML and CSS?

STEP 1: Add <div class="parallelogram"></div> into your HTML document inside <body> section. STEP 2: Add this CSS code. .parallelogram{   width: 250px;   height: 150px;   background-color: black;   transform: skew(-30deg);  } Output The width: 250px and height: 150px give width and height to the object. The background-color: black; make the object's background color black to make it visible. Then, the transform: skew(-30deg); property skew the object in X-axis by -30degree. And the parallelogram is created using HTML and CSS.

How To Create A Semi-circle Using Only HTML and CSS?

STEP 1: Add a <div class="semi-circle"></div> in the body section of an HTML document. STEP 2: Go To your CSS file and add this code.  .semi-circle{  width: 150px;   height: 75px;   background-color: black;   border-radius: 100px 100px 0 0; } Output The width: 150px; and height: 75px; gives width and height and create a rectangle. Then, background-color: black; gives color to the background so that we can see the actual rectangle created. And the last one, border-radius: 100px 100px 0 0; , it create a rounded border on the top-left and top-right corner of  the rectangle. The two zeros in ( border-radius: 100px 100px 0 0 ; ) is for the border-radius for bottom-right and bottom-left and we kept it width 0 to make it look like a semi-circle.

How To Create A Triangle Using HTML and CSS?

STEP 1: Add < div class = "triangle" ></ div > in the HTML document. STEP 2: Add this CSS code. .triangle{   position: absolute;  border-width: 50px;  border-style: solid;  border-color: transparent transparent black transparent;  }   OUTPUT  

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