How To Hack Chrome Dino Game?

We all have played the Chrome Dino game when we don't have our Internet Connection. Many of us have also tried to score a high score playing it and lose the game many times. But, today you will learn how to hack the Chrome Dino Game.

How To Hack Chrome Dino Game?

First of all, open the Chrome Dino game. To open it, simply turn off your Internet Connection and enter anything on the URL bar of the Chrome browser, and hit enter. Or you can simply type: chrome://dino on the chrome URL bar to open it.

Then, open the Developer tools. To open it, simply right-click and click on Inspect or press the Ctrl+Shift+I key from the keyboard.

Then type the code Runner.prototype.gameOver = function () {} or copy it and paste on the Console tab and hit enter.

Now your Chrome Dino game is hacked.


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